film location rentals


  1. Browse our online location library free of charge.  When choosing a location we recommend the client choose a few locations, if possible, in case one is not available.

  2. When booking a location we highly recommend that the client scout the location(s) prior to their scheduled shoot date to ensure the location fits their needs.  NOTE: Independent Locations is not responsible fo any changes to the location.

  3. After confirming a location, Independent Locations will execute a location agreement for the Client and Homeowner to review and sign.

  4. Client is responsible for obtaining all necessary film permits for their shoot, if needed.  For more information about permits please contact one of our staff.

  5. All negotiated fees for the shoot must be paid to Independent Locations at least 3/5 working days prior to the scheduled shoot date, unless stated otherwise.

  6. Insurance is required for all location properties. A Certificate of Liability policy must be delivered to Independent Locations at least 3/5 working days prior to the scheduled shoot date, unless stated otherwise, ask our staff for more details... No Insurance, No Shoot

  7. Cancellation Fee: All cancellation fees are pre-negotiated and incorporated in the location agreement.

  8. Site Monitor Fee:  All productions must have a Site Monitor on set. The Site Monitor is there to act as a liaison between the production and the homeowner, all monitor fees are paid prior to the scheduled shoot date.  


  1. Client must provide floor protection in all work areas, if needed.

  2. When moving personal property of the location you will first need the permission from Independent Locations and the location Owner. This is usually pre-negotiated prior to the shoot date, and please make sure you have experienced furniture movers.

  3. Most Homeowners will not allow the production team to Drink or Eat inside the location, as well as Smoking on the property.

  4. Client is responsible for all clean up and trash removal after their production, and could be charged a pre-negotiated clean up fee if not. Client is responsible for making sure the location used is returned to its original condition prior to entry. Production companies are expected to supply their own cleaning supplies, trash bags, toilet paper and paper towels.

  5. House Electricity: If you have a small shoot with minimal lighting the locations will normally allow the production use of the house electricity, this is generally pre-negotiated prior to booking the location, or on the tech scout.

  6. Most Homeowners won't allow the production to sit on the furniture unless it's for the shoot. We recommend that each client bring their own tables and chairs for base camp. Catering is normally done outside (except if pre-negotiated by Independent Locations and Homeowner).

  7. Parking: Although some locations might have parking accommodations, it is the Clients responsible for securing their own parking arrangements for their production, ask us for more details prior to booking your location.

  8. If you have any questions regarding location rentals, please contact us at 818-642-0957 or email us at . Thank you for showing your interest in Independent Locations, Inc.

    All photographs on this site are the sole property of Independent Locations and are not to be reproduced in any form without the expressed written consent of Independent Locations.

L.A.'s premier location company since 1998